One version of you stays in the old ways of toxic consumption, whining and judging, jealousy and anger.
Another potential timeline has you letting go of past events, learning new things and creating, reading, improving in all realms.
Both are possible depending on what choices you make today. The past is but a relic - it needs no consideration from you now. When we consider the various paths we can take in our lives, we come to a bit of a fork in the road. The little voice inside squeaks ‘But that’ll take so long! It’ll be a lot of effort!’. Look around you at the people that have chosen to take the easy way out.
Is that ‘ease’ of life what you really want? It is ‘easy’ or ‘safer’ to be tormented by the phantom of your potential? Doing the work is the ‘easier’ way out here. KNOW that the time will pass regardless... which way will you choose
If you've got time to talk shit you're not busy enough you will never be talked about by people doing more than you - they don't want to waste the time, because they know the value of it. At a certain point if you want to improve you have to have a value realization about how you’re living your life. What do you purport to value? Self improvement, love, friendships, family, helping people win? So is that then reflected in your actions? If its not, you have to do an about face turn with how you spend your time, or you will live an endlessly hollow experience, empty words ringing on the ears of people that just feel sorry for what you’ve become.
This is what can be meant by having ‘demons’. Ignorant Beliefs that you’ve convinced yourself are immutable realities about the world that just keep you caged in mediocrity and slave mentality. The more time you spend engaged in positive activities, the more your life improves - its that easy. Lower vibrational actions lead to less desirable results. Some people think the world is against them; its merely reflecting the manner of opinion in which you hold the world. Misery loves company. But so does gratitude, love and abundance!
In order to change your outside you have to work on yourself. It always comes first, because you can only receive what you are putting out.
Reduce the ‘tolerance level’ of your wonder - and your entire life becomes wonderful.
The absolute wonder of the trees, the sky, fresh air, the fact you’re even here to experience life in the first place, the impressiveness of skyscrapers, how animals live their lives so uniquely, the broad range of emotions we can feel, an incredible song, the taste of a good meal.
At a base level, our ‘day to day’ experience is so incredible if you would only stop and think about it. There is so much to be grateful for, so much joy to be had In the simplest of things. Your body, powered by some unseen controller unconsciously doing all the millions of processes that keep us alive, for decades. Is that not cause for celebration? Because it is commonplace, we lose our level of reverence. This state of wonder hits us from time to time when we see something truly incredible; the horizon of a national park, a particularly impressive sunset or sunrise. But every horizon has things to wonder at, every sunrise or sunset is unique because that day will never happen again.
Think about how special it is that you can even read these words - That thoughts coming through my head can be typed across the other side of the world, sent instantly to you so that they may download into your mind and improve your life.
Gratitude will up level your life. In every moment there are things that go unnoticed and unappreciated, to the point we focus on the very small number of ‘negatives’ that are happening to us.
What you focus on, grows. SO ensuring your default as much as possible is one of appreciation, gratitude and wonder means that all those beautiful things will increase in scope and number.
The griper and moaner will complain and say that life is lame, boring, and that nothing good every happens to him. His perspective means his experience of life is lesser than it could be, with all circumstances the exact same.
The change comes with you first.
When you have faith and act with the belief that things will change, only then will they change. If you act only to believe that things will remain the same, so they will do so.